Line - Gaussian

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Line (Gaussian)


A Gaussian can be used to fit any lines that appear in the spectrum. The component allows the user to set the intensity (count flux) of the line, it's location (in keV), and its width (by setting it's full width half maximum)


Line - Single Gaussian Function (width in Sigma)

  • a[0] - Integrated Intensity
  • a[1] - Centroid
  • a[2] - Sigma

Fitting with a Gaussian

The Gaussian fit component allows the addition of a line into the model used to fit a RHESSI spectrum. It is normally used to fit instrumental lines (for instance, lines created by interactions of energetic photons with the tungsten grids) or atomic transition lines not accounted for in the CHIANTI database. The integrated intensity, a[0], is the height of the peak of the gaussian in units of flux. The centroid, a[1], gives the location of the center of the gaussian in keV. The third parameter, a[2], gives a measure of the standard deviation of the Gaussian in keV.