Compact Lyman-Alpha Spatial heterodyne Spectrometer (CLASS)

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Compact Lyman-Alpha Spatial heterodyne Spectrometer (CLASS)
HESTO logo 300x300.png
Principal Investigator Sona Hossein
Institution Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Technology Readiness Level 3
Instrument Type Far-UV Spectrometer
Project Status Active
Project ID 20-HTIDS20-0028


The Compact Lyman-alpha Spatial heterodyne Spectrometer (CLASS) is a spectrometer that makes of an interferometric technology called Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer (SHS) that enables CLASS to obtain ultra-high sensitivity data from angularly extended and diffused targets such as the solar corona. The low-mass, compact configuration of CLASS enables sensitive, high-resolution spectroscopy for SmallSat missions. CLASS is configurable for a variety of spectral lines with a very narrow bandpass anywhere from the FUV to the visible, but for development, CLASS is configured to target the H I Lyα line at 1216 angstrom.

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