2008 RHESSI Science Nuggets

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RHESSI Nugget IndexRHESSI Nugget IndexRHESSI Nugget First AuthorRHESSI Nugget Second AuthorRHESSI Nugget Date
The coronal magnetic field 167Hugh Hudson15 January 2008
Waving goodbye to a standard model68Lyndsay FletcherHugh Hudson4 January 2008
Annealing RHESSI for the first time69David Smith12 January 2008
A hard wee flare observed with RHESSI and Hinode/XRT70Iain Hannah25 January 2008
Acceleration of fast halo CMEs & synchronized flare HXR bursts71Manuela Temmer1 January 2008
Saturation of Nonthermal Hard X-ray Emission in Solar Flares72Antoun DaouDavid Alexander24 January 2008
A STEREO/RHESSI Flare at Solar Minimum73Hugh HudsonSäm Krucker1 January 2008
Anisotropy of RHESSI hard X-ray emission74Jana Kasparova21 January 2008
Solar Cycle 24 at hand!75Hugh Hudson6 January 2008
X-ray and UVWL footpoints76Lyndsay FletcherHugh Hudson21 January 2008
RHESSI and tether-cutting77Yan Xu4 January 2008
Faculae and microflares78Jabran ZahidSteven Christe16 January 2008
EIT Waves - Cadence issues79David LongPeter Gallagher30 June 2008
The McClymont Jerk80Hugh HudsonBrian Welsch14 January 2008
The microflare Height Distribution81Steven ChristeHugh Hudson28 January 2008
Are stellar flares like solar flares?82Hugh HudsonBeate Stelzer11 January 2008
Hard X-rays from a jet?83Hazel BainLyndsay Fletcher27 August 2008
Flare Plasma Abundances - New X-ray Observations84Brian DennisRichard Starr15 September 2008
RHESSI Optical Images85H. Jabran ZahidHugh Hudson29 October 2008
The Good Guys and the Rascals86B. DabrowskiArnold Benz13 October 2008
The SphinX Instrument on CORONAS-PHOTON87Janusz SylwesterKen Phillips22 October 2008
SEPs Link not Confirmed88Gerry ShareAllan Tylka3 November 2008
The Rise and Fall of The Low Energy Cut Off89Ewan DicksonEduard Kontar17 November 2008
Inverse Compton X-rays from relativistic flare leptons90Alex MacKinnonProcheta Mallik30 November 2008
Quantum of Solar91Peter GallagherHugh Hudson15 December 2008
Cycle 2492Hugh HudsonSteven Christe22 December 2008
RHESSI microflares - Flare Cartoons and Reality101Sigrid Berkebile-Stoiser11 May 2008

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