Detector 5

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This page contains information about changes/issues for RHESSI detector 5 after the 2014 anneal. Detector updates from 2012-mid 2014 can be found here: Detector 5 anneal 2012


  • After the 2014 anneal, detector 5 is UNSEGMENTED.
  • A tweak shortly after the anneal was completed:
 G5 front slow to 0x80 (was 0x70)  on 2014 Aug. 14 after 03:40 UTC
  • In late December 2014 some weak signal of segmentation were seen on G5. On January 5, 2015 at 14:57 UTC we set new values for the front fast and front slow thresholds on this detector. We need to keep an eye on its behaviour. Detector 5 is now weakly SEGMENTED.
 G5 front slow to 0x0C (was 0x80)  on 2015 Jan. 5 after 14:57 UTC
 G5 front fast to 0x2E (was 0x60)  on 2015 Jan. 5 after 14:57 UTC
  • On 2014 Jan 8, the rear fast threshold was raised since fast counts were eating up a lot of livetime.
 15-008-17:44:15 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0x50           ;(was 0x45)
  • On 2015 May 26 starting at 19:15:09 we increased the rear fast threshold by 0x08
2015-146-19:15:21 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x58 ; was 0x50
  • Aug. 24, 2015: The rear fast threshold was raised, successfully bringing the livetime up to >75%.
2015-236-20:46:59 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x70 ; was 0x58
  • On October 8, the front fast threshold was raised to try and raise livetime. Prior to these changes, D5 front livetime was at ~30%. As the changes were made on a BGS pass, the D5 front fast rates fell from 131k to 2100, and the livetimes rose accordingly, so the changes were successful.
2015-281-21:49:37 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x40  ; was 0x2E
  • The rear fast threshold was also raised on Oct. 9, for the usual reason. This worked, bringing the livetime up to >80%, though it's slowly dropped in the days since and might need another boost soon.
2015-282-23:02:58 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x90 ; was 0x80
  • November 23, 2015, front fast threshold raised due to a rapid decrease of the livetime.
2015-327-22:11:13 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x50  ; was 0x40
  • November 25, 2015, rear fast threshold raised to 0xA0
2015-330-00:28:49 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xA0 ; was 0x90
  • December 28, 2015, rear fast threshold raised to 0xB0
2015-362-07:44:19 start idib_chg_thrshld (5, REAR, FAST, 0xB0)  ;  Was 0xA0
  • January 15, 2016, front slow threshold raised to 0x80
2016-015-01:46:23 start idib_chg_thrshld (5, FRONT, FAST, 0x80)
2016-015-01:46:35 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x80

Post 2016 anneal

  • This detector is off
  • 2017 April 3: Turned on in response to high solar activity. HV was raised to ~1000V at 16:25. It was decided to adjust the threshold on the following day.
  • 2017 April 4: At the start of AOS of the first pass, the SSR fill was 79.2%. Detector 5 front slow valid started around 19500 counts with the threshold at 0x70, and dropped to about 18400 counts when we brought up the threshold to 0xC0. The increase to 0xFF was during the AGO pass right after, so we didn't have live monitor rates available. Due to high SSR fill level (>70%), D5 was turned off.
17-094-13:58:52 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0x80
17-094-14:00:13 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0xA0
17-094-14:01:13 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0xC0
17-094-14:21:43 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0xFF

D5 front slow LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x70
2014-Aug-14 after 03:40 UTC 0x80 (was 0x70)
2015-Jan-5 after 14:57 UTC 0x0C (was 0x80)
post 2016 anneal 0x70
2017-Apr-4 13:58:35 0x80 (was 0x70)
2017-Apr-4 13:59:59 0xA0 (was 0x80)
2017-Apr-4 14:01:00 0xC0 (was 0xA0)
2017-Apr-4 14:21:29 0xFF (was 0xC0)

D5 front fast LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x30
2014-Dec-8 after 20:28 UTC 0x60 (was 0x30)
2015-Jan-5 after 14:57 UTC 0x2E (was 0x60)
2015-Oct-8 21:49:37 UTC 0x40 (was 0x2E)
2015-Nov-23 22:11:13 UTC 0x50 (was 0x40)
2015-12-17 20:25:44 UTC 0x60 (was 0x50)
201?-??-?? ??:??:?? UTC 0x70 (was 0x60)
2016-01-15 23:40:25 UTC 0x80 (was 0x70)
post 2016 anneal 0x60

D5 rear slow LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x30 - post 2016 anneal 0x30

D5 rear fast LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x45
2014-Jan-08 17:44:15 0x50 (was 0x45)
2015-May-26 19:15:09 0x58 (was 0x50)
2015-Aug-26 20:46:59 0x70 (was 0x58)
2015-Sep-21 20:10:04 0x80 (was 0x70)
2015-Oct-09 23:02:58 0x90 (was 0x80)
2015-Nov-26 00:28:39 0xA0 (was 0x90)
2015-Dec-28 07:44:19 0xB0 (was 0xA0)
post 2016 anneal 0x45

D5 HV history

post 2014 anneal 4510 V
post 2016 anneal 0V
2015-Apr-3 1000 V
2015-Apr-4 0V