Solar Cycle 24
Meeting | |
Name: | Solar Cycle 24 |
Start Date: | 7 Dec 2008 |
End Date: | 12 Dec 2008 |
Location: | Napa, CA, U.S.A. |
Official Website: | |
The main goals of this meeting were to assess our current knowledge of solar activity, to prepare for observations of the new major activity expected from the beginning of Carrington Cycle 24, and to encourage effective observations of this activity. The organization of the meeting emphasized the coordination of ACE, Hinode, STEREO, TRACE/SDO, SOHO, RHESSI and Wind observations, among others, and of course ground-based observations as well. The conference comprised a set of invited and contributed talks in plenary sessions, followed by a set of nine focused working groups. The meeting took place December 8 - December 12, 2008, the week before the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco. The official website can be found here, and it includes the link to the presentation files. For the real-time transcripts of the actual discussions, see the links below please.
Introductory Plenary Talks
Notes on the introductory talks can be found Solar Cycle 24 Intro.
Working Groups
Please see the working group section.
Concluding Plenary Talks
For a final overview session on Working Groups B,C,H,I, and J see here.
Working Groups
Group B (Fast Solar Wind & Plumes)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group C (Magnetic Field Evolution)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group D (Global event energetics)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group E (Flares)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group F (CMEs)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group G (Microflares and Nanoflares)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group H (The Chromosphere)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group I (Active Region Loops)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Group J (Filaments and Prominences)
A summary of the work of this group can be found here.
Talks Files
Talk files can be found here