Tohban Report 2012-06-20

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 13 Jun 2012
End Date: 20 Jun 2012
Tohban: Jim McTiernan
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: TBD
List all reports

Solar Activity

Some activity

How many GOES flares occurred?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      5    54     2     0

And how many of these are listed in the RHESSI flare list?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      2     8     0     0

And how many had EXCELLENT coverage?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      1     3     0     0

There were RHESSI flares*/GOES flares 78 / 61 over the time range 12-Jun-12 19-Jun-12

  • Note that RHESSI flares are undercounted; due to SAS problems which persisted from 11-Jun-2012 11:00 UT to 17-Jun-2012 02:48 UT no flare positions were recorded. Flares are still in the event list, but with no position or energy information. No qlook images or spectra were obtained. To find "possible" flares from the flare list, check the "sflag1" attribute, if set to "2" then this was an event recorded mostly in the front detectors, but with no position:

IDL> o = hsi_flare_list(obs_time_interval = ['11-Jun-2012 11:00', '17-Jun-2012 02:40'])

IDL> d = o -> getdata()

IDL> d_possible_flare = d[where(d.sflag1 Eq 2)]

Details about the flare lost generation are available [here:] .

RHESSI Operations

Decimation was Active/Vigorous for the full week, with events turned off at night, except for 4 minutes at the start and end of spacecraft night. The SSR is empty. Monitor rate plots show a couple of unusual spikes at 16-Jun-2012 19:37 UT.

Data Gaps
