Tohban Report 2014-07-30

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 23 Jul 2014
End Date: 30 Jul 2014
Tohban: Mitsuo Oka (Vice Tohban: Hugh Hudson)
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: Nicole (Vice Tohban: Brian)
List all reports

Solar Activity

Solar activity remained low, mostly at B-level, but it was slightly higher than the previous week because there were 10 C-class flares. There are currently 10 ARs on disk. A few of those ARs are rather comlex and further C-class activity is expected withn the next few days. STEREO B shows a bright region that would rotate on disk within several days.

How many GOES flares occurred?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were     16    10     0     0

RHESSI flare list contains 0 over the time range 22-Jul-14 29-Jul-14

Spacecraft Operations

The RHESSI cooldown from annealing continued this week with no apparent anomalies. Cryocooler power was increased five times during the week.

23-Jul-2014: 14-204-17:44:21 start icryomain_ramp(26) - First cryocooler power increase

 Cold Plate 1: 194.7 K
 Cold Plate 2: 192.8 K
 Cold Tip 1: 161.1 K
 Cold Tip 2: 159.5 K
 Shroud: 204.7 K
 Cryo Power: 26.2 W
 Vibrations: 13.0 mG

24-Jul-2014: No cryocooler adjustment

 Cold Plate 1: 190.3 K
 Cold Plate 2: 188.5 K
 Cold Tip 1: 158.5 K
 Cold Tip 2: 156.6 K
 Shroud: 202.2 K
 Cryo Power: 26.0 W
 Vibrations: 12.6 mG

26-Jul-2014: 14-207-11:57:41 start icryomain_ramp(29)

 Cold Plate 1: 182.9 K
 Cold Plate 2: 181.3 K
 Cold Tip 1: 150.3 K
 Cold Tip 2: 148.6 K
 Shroud: 197.8 K
 Cryo Power: 29.2 W
 Vibrations: 12.3 mG

27-Jul-2014: No cryocooler adjustment

 Cold Plate 1: 178.7 K
 Cold Plate 2: 177.2 K
 Cold Tip 1: 148.2 K
 Cold Tip 2: 146.3 K
 Shroud: 195.7 K
 Cryo Power: 29.2 W
 Vibrations: 13.0 mG

28-Jul-2014: 2014-209-09:54 start icryomain_ramp(32)

 Cryo Power:  33.0 W
 avg accel:  10.9 mG
 Cold Plate 1:  175.9 K
 Cold Plate 2:  174.2 K
 Cold Tip 1:  143.0 K
 Cold Tip 2:  141.1 K
 Shroud Temp:  194.3 K

29-Jul-2014: 2014-210-09:43:12 start icryomain_ramp(35)

 Cryo Power:  35.3 W
 avg accel:  12.5 mG
 Cold Plate 1:  171.3 K
 Cold Plate 2:  169.5 K
 Cold Tip 1:  137.9 K
 Cold Tip 2:  136.4 K
 Shroud Temp:  192.2 K

30-Jul-2014: 14-211-09:16:46 start icryomain_ramp(38)

 Cryo Power:  39.8 W
 avg accel:  10.5 mG
 Cold Plate 1:  166.2 K
 Cold Plate 2:  164.4 K
 Cold Tip 1:  132.3 K
 Cold Tip 2:  130.4 K
 Shroud Temp:  188.1 K


The SSR fill level reached a maximum of 46%, but has become low during the last few days. It is expected to be empty today.