Tohban Report 2014-11-05

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 29 Oct 2014
End Date: 05 Nov 2014
Tohban: Nicole Duncan
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: Juan Carlos Martinez-Oliveros
List all reports

Solar Activity

Solar activity began high with the gigantic AR 12192, but then tapered off as the region rotated over the limb. Activity has picked up in the past 48 hours as AR 12205 rotated on disk and produced a series of large M-class flares. This spot is expected to produce some additional large events in the coming days. With the exception of the series of X-class events, the general flaring activity this week was comparable to last week.

How many GOES flares occurred?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      3    34    14     0

And how many of these are listed in the RHESSI flare list?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      0    22    13     0

And how many had EXCELLENT coverage?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      0    11    5     0

There were RHESSI flares/GOES flares 324 / 51 over the time range 22-Oct-14 29-Oct-14

Memory Management

SSR emptied by mid-week and has been continuing to empty at the end of the 2nd to last pass. We remain in Active/Vigorous mode and night time time data collection remained off throughout the week. This coming week we will turn on full rear eclipse events.


All temperatures are nominal this week, cold plate/tip 1 are at 125/104.9K and cold plate/tip 2 are at 123/103K.

Spacecraft Operations

Attenuator motion (80 thin and 2 thick motions) and cryocooler was nominal. We hit 70,000 orbits over the weekend.

Data Gaps

All gaps were replayed and should be filled in


2014-11-03T06:45:00.000 -- 2014-11-03T06:50:00.000 300.00000

2014-11-03T07:35:00.000 -- 2014-11-03T07:40:00.000 300.00000

2014-11-03T08:30:00.000 -- 2014-11-03T08:45:00.000 900.00000

2014-11-03T15:35:00.000 -- 2014-11-03T15:50:00.000 900.00000


2014-11-03T15:35:00.000 -- 2014-11-03T15:45:00.000 600.00000


2014-11-02T02:20:00.000 -- 2014-11-02T04:10:00.000 6600.0000

Detector issues

Detector 2: Light leak issues persist

Detector 9: Over the time period of Oct 31 - Nov 2, D9's monitor rates plots show elevated noise. The onset was sudden, as was the end. There was a 45 minute period on Nov 1st, from 19:00 - 19:45, when the noise returned to normal values. Since Nov 2nd, D9 has had normal levels of noise. There are currently no theories as to why this occurred.

There were no threshold changes this week.

Other notes

Decimation Active/Vigorous
HLAT Decimation Rear decimation weight 6, no front decimation
Night time data (fronts) continue +/- 4 minutes
Night time data (rears) turn-on Full nighttime events
Require extra passes? Yes
Requirement for moving pointer? No
Attenuator operation Nominal
Detector problems? Detector 2 light leak. Detector 9 elevated noise Oct 31 - Nov 2.