Tohban Report 2015-03-18

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 11 Mar 2015
End Date: 18 Mar 2015
Tohban: Juan C. Martinez Oliveros
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: Jim McTiernan
List all reports

Solar Activity

Solar activity was very active this week. There are currently 5 ARs on the disk with the probability of more M and C class flares in the following days. Active regions are 12297 and 12302 were the most active.

How many GOES flares occurred?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were     10    57    15     1

And how many of these are listed in the RHESSI flare list?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      5    31     9     1

And how many had EXCELLENT coverage?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      4    17     3     0

There were RHESSI flares/GOES flares 349 / 83 over the time range 11-Mar-15 18-Mar-15

Memory Management

The SSR fill level reached a maximum of 32% and a minimum of about 8% during the week.

Spacecraft Status

The cold plate 1 and 2 are at about 108.7 K and 106.9 K respectively.

Data Gaps

No data gaps this week

Detector issues

On March 11 2015 the threshold on detector 9 rear fast was changed from 0x80 to 0x90.

2015-070-22:46:19 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x90

The fast rear threshold of detectors 6,8,9 and the fast front threshold of detector 6 were increased by 16 steps on 13 March 2015.

15-072-22:04:22 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x60
15-072-22:05:17 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x60
15-072-22:05:56 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x55
15-072-22:06:31 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xA0

On 16 March 2015 detector 9's Rear Fast threshold was increased by 16 steps to 0xB0.

15-075-19:24:28 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB0

Detector 6 Front Fast threshold was increased by 16 counts, from 0x60 to 0x70 on 17 March 2015.

15-076-20:44:14 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x70

Other notes

Spacecraft Management

Decimation Active/Vigorous
Night time data (fronts) plus/minus 4 minutes only
Night time data (rears) plus/minus 4 minutes only
Require extra passes? No
Requirement for moving pointer? No
Attenuator operation Normal