Tohban Report 2016-10-05
Tohban Reports | |
Start Date: | 28 September 2016 |
End Date: | 5 October 2016 |
Tohban: | Juan C. Martinez Oliveros |
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Solar Activity
Solar activity during the week continue at low levels. Currently there are only two active regions on disk. A large filament located in the northeast quadrant erupted on October 1st and its associated CME (faint). Solar activity is expected to continue at very low levels with a chance for C-class flares all three days (04-06 Oct) due primarily to recent growth of Region 2598 and the presence of new Region 2599.
How many GOES flares occurred?
Flares above B, C, M, X class were 10 0 0 0
And how many of these are listed in the RHESSI flare list?
Flares above B, C, M, X class were 3 0 0 0
And how many had EXCELLENT coverage?
Flares above B, C, M, X class were 2 0 0 0
There were RHESSI flares/GOES flares 26 / 10 over the time range 28-Sep-16 05-Oct-16
Memory Management
The SSR has been emptying at the end of the daily pass set.
Spacecraft Status
Detectors 3 and 8 are active and taking data. The cold tip 1 and 2 temperatures are 118.2 and 116.4
Currently, the Cryocooler power is ~86 W.
Data Gaps
No gaps this week.
Detector issues
Other notes
The temperature of the instrument seems to be increasing.
Spacecraft Management
Decimation | Normal/Vigorous |
HLAT Decimation | No Rear decimation, no front decimation |
Night time data (fronts) | full-time |
Night time data (rears) | full-time |
Require extra passes? | No |
Requirement for moving pointer? | No |
Attenuator operation | Working as expected |
Detector problems? | See notes above. |