Tohban Report 2017-08-09

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 2 August 2017
End Date: 9 August 2017
Tohban: Pascal Saint-Hilaire
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: TBD
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Solar Activity

Solar activityt was very low this week.

How many GOES flares occurred?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were     19     1     0     0

And how many of these are listed in the RHESSI flare list?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      5     1     0     0

And how many had EXCELLENT coverage?

 Flares above B, C, M, X class were      4     0     0     0

There were RHESSI flares/GOES flares 8 / 20 over the time range 01-Aug-17 08-Aug-17

Memory Management

Decimation was active/vigorous for the full time period, with the SSR level currently at around 20 - 30%.

Spacecraft Status

Detectors 1, 3, 6, and 8 are recording events. The temperatures are about 130K and 128K for cold tips 1 and 2, respectively, as of July 26. The cold plates 1 and 2 are at about 156K and 155K. Cryocooler power is steady at ~75W, for recent temperatures, cryocooler efficiencies, and accelerometer values see:

Data Gaps

A whole orbit on Aug 3 (~16:00 UT) seems to be missing.

Detector issues

Detectors 1, 3, 6, and 8 are powered on, and are recording events. No detector operations this week.

Both attenuators were IN on Monday, due to high D3f deadtime. D3f determines attenuator movements. Changes to the fast and slow thresholds have not helped. Hence, the reference deadtime level was raised to 24%, which brought both attenuators out. Detector deadtime has been slowly creeping up -- a lowering of the HV might be the only way to mitigate this.

  • G3 front fast
2017-219-19:19:40 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0xFF ; was 0xD0
2017-219-19:20:44 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0xD0 ; was 0xFF
  • G3 front slow
2017-219-20:59:20 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0x30 ; was 0x15
2017-219-21:00:39 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0x15 ; was 0x30

Cold plate at 157 K.


A spin up was concluded on Monday.

Spacecraft Management

Decimation Active/Vigorous
HLAT Decimation Rear decimation
Night time data (fronts) plus/minus 4 minutes from daylight
Night time data (rears) plus/minus 4 minutes from daylight
Require extra passes? No
Requirement for moving pointer? No
Attenuator operation See Notes above
Ref. deadtime for Att.thresholds 24.x%
Detector problems? See above