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Line 117: Line 117:
  2015-205-17:19:45 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB0 ; was 0xA0
  2015-205-17:19:45 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB0 ; was 0xA0

* Aug. 24, 2015:  Detector 6: Both front and rear fast thresholds were raised again. This successfully brought the livetime up to 75% in the front, but didn't really change anything in the rear. Another attempt was made with the rear fast threshold, but again no change. The slow threshold was also raised, which brought the slow rates down from 200k to 5k.
2015-236-20:45:10 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xD0  ; was 0xB0
2015-237-00:03:04 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x25 ;  was 0x20
2015-236-20:47:36 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xC0 ; was 0xB0
2015-237-00:04:34 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xD0 ; was 0xC0

===D6 front slow LLD threshold history===
===D6 front slow LLD threshold history===
Line 136: Line 151:
| 2015 May 21 19:25:36 UTC || 0x20 (was 0x15)
| 2015 May 21 19:25:36 UTC || 0x20 (was 0x15)
| 2015 Aug 25 00:03:04 UTC || 0x25 (was 0x20)
Line 171: Line 188:
| 2015-Apr-14 15:48 || 0xB0 (was 0xB8)
| 2015-Apr-14 15:48 || 0xB0 (was 0xB8)
| 2015-Aug-24 20:45:10 || 0xD0 (was 0xB0)

Line 197: Line 217:
| 2015-Jul-29 17:19:45 || 0xB0 (was 0xA0)
| 2015-Jul-29 17:19:45 || 0xB0 (was 0xA0)
| 2015-Aug-24 20:47:36 || 0xC0 (was 0xB0)
| 2015-Aug-25 00:04:34 || 0xD0 (was 0xC0)

Revision as of 00:16, 27 August 2015

This page contains information about changes/issues for RHESSI detector 6 after the 2014 anneal. Detector updates from 2012-mid 2014 can be found here: Detector 6 anneal 2012


After the 2014 anneal, detector 6 began its reincarnated life as an unsegmented detector but segmented shortly after (see below).

  • On 2014 August 14, the HV on D6 was raised to 4926V in an attempt to segment it. This was successful, and D6 now operates as a segmented detector. Since its segmentation is borderline as of Aug/Sept 2014, it commonly unsegments during and just after the SAA.
  • On 2014 Jan 8, the rear fast threshold was raised since fast counts were eating up a lot of livetime.
 15-008-17:45:18 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0x50           ;(was 0x45)
  • * D6 has been showing some strange peaks in the spectrum; these are best seen as multiple lines (that drift) in spectrograms. On Monday, Jan 28 we raised the slow front threshold on D6 to ~10 keV and kept it there for a day before returning to the nominal ~3 keV. This is intended to see if the slow threshold affects the abnormal spectral lines.
 15-026-21:57:13 / D6 front slow threshold to 0x30 (was 0x0C).
 15-027-21:37:03 / D6 front slow threshold to 0x0C (was 0x30).

  • D6 fast rates are a bit high (have been rising slowly over the past week). It would be a good idea to raise the front fast threshold a touch. I didn't want to do this at the same time as the slow threshold experiment!
  • D6 front fast threshold was adjusted from default (0x22) due to increased rates, based on the above suggestion. Rates dropped from 3300 to 1250 when the change was made.
 15-030-00:20:17 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x30   ; was 0x22
  • On 2015 February 27 Front Fast threshold was raised
15-058-21:41:44 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x40 (was 0x30)
  • Another raise to D6 front fast threshold on 2015 March 9:
 15-068-01:27:07 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x50
  • On 2015 March 13 another raise was made to D6 front fast threshold and a raise of the rear fast threshold was made:
 15-072-22:04:22 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x60
 15-072-22:05:17 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x60
  • Again 2015 March 17 D6 front fast threshold was increased:
 15-076-20:44:14 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x70

On 2015 March 20 D6 HV was dropped in two 10 step increments, twice. Also we attempted to lower the front fast threshold to 0x50, but changed this almost immediately when the live time dropped to 3%:

 15-079-21:10:49 /IHVDAC DETECTOR=6, VOLTAGE=243
 15-079-21:12:47 /IHVDAC DETECTOR=6, VOLTAGE=233
 15-079-22:49:23 /ihvdac detector=6, voltage=223
 15-079-22:50:44 /ihvdac detector=6, voltage=213
 15-079-22:52:58 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x60
 15-079-22:55:19 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x50
 15-079-22:56:01 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x70

On 2015 March 25 D6 HV was dropped in 20 steps.

15-084-22:45:15 /ihvdac detector=6, voltage=203
15-084-22:46:45 /ihvdac detector=6, voltage=193 (3750 V)
  • April 7 2015: the front fast threshold was raised due to high fast rates that were significantly reducing livetime. This helped, but not a lot, so the action will probably be repeated soon.
15-097-19:56:45 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x80 ; was 0x70
  • April 9 2015: The front fast and the front slow threshold were raised up to recover the livetime and trying to reduce the noise on the slow valid counts.
15-099-17:33:11 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xA0
15-099-21:17:27 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x15
  • On Abril 14 starting at 14:06 UT we made the next changes for detectors 6 trying to decrease valid counts on the Slow Front segment.
15-104-14:12:05 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xA8
15-104-15:45:14 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB0
15-104-15:46:24 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB8
15-104-15:47:36 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB0
15-104-15:49:25 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x1A
15-104-15:50:30 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x1F
15-104-15:52:06 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x15
  • On May 21 starting at 19:23 UTC we made the next changes on Front Slow threshold:
15-141-19:25:36 start idib_chg_thrshld (6, FRONT, SLOW, 0x20)  --> Was 0x15
15-141-19:25:55 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x20
  • On May 26 we lowered the HV on detector 6 by 30 counts to a value of 1984 V. This change gave detector 6 the lowest voltage of all the detectors. G6 remained segmented through the pass.
2015-146-19:11:11 /IHVDAC DETECTOR=6, VOLTAGE=103 (1985 V)

We also increased the rear fast threshold on detector 6 by 0x08

2015-146-19:13:25 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x68 ; was 0x60
  • On 2015 July 7, D6 rear fast threshold was raised due to decreased livetime
2015-188-18:49:19 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x70  ; was 0x68
  • The rear fast threshold was changed on July 13 2015 due to dropping livetime in the rear:
2015-194-16:34:52 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x80 ; was 0x70
  • The rear fast threshold was changed on July 24 2015 due to low livetime. However, the change probably wasn't needed; the tohban hadn't noticed that a change had already been made a few days ago. The next tohban can reverse the change if desired.
2015-205-17:19:45 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xB0 ; was 0xA0
  • Aug. 24, 2015: Detector 6: Both front and rear fast thresholds were raised again. This successfully brought the livetime up to 75% in the front, but didn't really change anything in the rear. Another attempt was made with the rear fast threshold, but again no change. The slow threshold was also raised, which brought the slow rates down from 200k to 5k.
2015-236-20:45:10 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xD0  ; was 0xB0
2015-237-00:03:04 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x25 ;  was 0x20
2015-236-20:47:36 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xC0 ; was 0xB0
2015-237-00:04:34 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xD0 ; was 0xC0

D6 front slow LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x0C (after segmentation)
2015 Jan 26 21:57:13 UTC 0x30 (was 0x0C)
2015 Jan 27 21:37:03 UTC 0x0C (was 0x30)
2015 Apr 09 21:17:27 UTC 0x15 (was 0x0C)
2015 Apr 14 15:49:25 UTC 0x1A (was 0x15)
2015 Apr 14 15:50:30 UTC 0x1F (was 0x1A)
2015 Apr 14 15:52:06 UTC 0x15 (was 0x1F)
2015 May 21 19:25:36 UTC 0x20 (was 0x15)
2015 Aug 25 00:03:04 UTC 0x25 (was 0x20)

D6 front fast LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x22 (after segmentation)
2015-Jan-30 00:20:17 0x30 (was 0x22)
2015-Feb-27 21:41:44 0x40 (was 0x30)
2015-Mar-09 01:27:07 0x50 (was 0x40)
2015-Mar-13 22:04:22 0x60 (was 0x50)
2015-Mar-17 20:44:14 0x70 (was 0x60)
2015-Mar-20 22:52:58 0x60 (was 0x70)
2015-Mar-20 22:55:19 0x50 (was 0x60)
2015-Mar-20 22:56:01 0x70 (was 0x50)
2015-Apr-07 19:57 0x80 (was 0x70)
2015-Apr-09 17:33 0xA0 (was 0x90)
2015-Apr-14 14:12 0xA8 (was 0xA0)
2015-Apr-14 15:45 0xB0 (was 0xA8)
2015-Apr-14 15:46 0xB8 (was 0xB0)
2015-Apr-14 15:48 0xB0 (was 0xB8)
2015-Aug-24 20:45:10 0xD0 (was 0xB0)

D6 rear slow LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x30 (after segmentation)

D6 rear fast LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x45 (after segmentation)
2015-Jan-08 17:45:18 0x50 (was 0x45)
2015-Jan-08 17:45:18 0x50 (was 0x45)
2015-Mar-17 22:05:17 0x60 (was 0x50)
2015-May-26 19:13:07 0x68 (was 0x60)
2015-Jul-07 18:49:19 0x70 (was 0x68)
2015-Jul-13 16:34:52 0x80 (was 0x70)
2015-Jul-29 17:19:45 0xB0 (was 0xA0)
2015-Aug-24 20:47:36 0xC0 (was 0xB0)
2015-Aug-25 00:04:34 0xD0 (was 0xC0)

D6 HV history

post 2014 anneal 4510 V (unsegmented)
2014-Aug-14 03:40 UTC 4926 V (was 4510 V) (segmented)
2015-Mar-20 21:12 UTC 4500 V (was 4926 V)
2015-Mar-20 22:50 UTC 4142 V (was 4500 V)
2015-Mar-25 22:47 UTC 3750 V (was 4142 V)
2015-May-26 19:11 UTC 1985 V (was 2573 V)