Detector 5

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This page contains information about changes/issues for RHESSI detector 5 after the 2014 anneal. Detector updates from 2012-mid 2014 can be found here: Detector 5 anneal 2012


  • After the 2014 anneal, detector 5 is UNSEGMENTED.
  • A tweak shortly after the anneal was completed:
 G5 front slow to 0x80 (was 0x70)  on 2014 Aug. 14 after 03:40 UTC
  • In late December 2014 some weak signal of segmentation were seen on G5. On January 5, 2015 at 14:57 UTC we set new values for the front fast and front slow thresholds on this detector. We need to keep an eye on its behaviour. Detector 5 is now weakly SEGMENTED.
 G5 front slow to 0x0C (was 0x80)  on 2015 Jan. 5 after 14:57 UTC
 G5 front fast to 0x2E (was 0x60)  on 2015 Jan. 5 after 14:57 UTC
  • On 2014 Jan 8, the rear fast threshold was raised since fast counts were eating up a lot of livetime.
 15-008-17:44:15 /IDPULOAD VALUE=0x50           ;(was 0x45)
  • On 2015 May 26 starting at 19:15:09 we increased the rear fast threshold by 0x08
2015-146-19:15:21 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x58 ; was 0x50
  • Aug. 24, 2015: The rear fast threshold was raised, successfully bringing the livetime up to >75%.
2015-236-20:46:59 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x70 ; was 0x58
  • On October 8, the front fast threshold was raised to try and raise livetime. Prior to these changes, D5 front livetime was at ~30%. As the changes were made on a BGS pass, the D5 front fast rates fell from 131k to 2100, and the livetimes rose accordingly, so the changes were successful.
2015-281-21:49:37 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x40  ; was 0x2E
  • The rear fast threshold was also raised on Oct. 9, for the usual reason. This worked, bringing the livetime up to >80%, though it's slowly dropped in the days since and might need another boost soon.
2015-282-23:02:58 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x90 ; was 0x80
  • November 23, 2015, front fast threshold raised due to a rapid decrease of the livetime.
2015-327-22:11:13 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0x50  ; was 0x40
  • November 25, 2015, rear fast threshold raised to 0xA0
2015-330-00:28:49 /IDPLOAD VALUE=0xA0 ; was 0x90
  • December 28, 2015, rear fast threshold raised to 0xB0
2015-362-07:44:19 start idib_chg_thrshld (5, REAR, FAST, 0xB0)  ;  Was 0xA0

D5 front slow LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x70
2014-Aug-14 after 03:40 UTC 0x80 (was 0x70)
2015-Jan-5 after 14:57 UTC 0x0C (was 0x80)

D5 front fast LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x30
2014-Dec-8 after 20:28 UTC 0x60 (was 0x30)
2015-Jan-5 after 14:57 UTC 0x2E (was 0x60)
2015-Oct-8 21:49:37 UTC 0x40 (was 0x2E)
2015-Nov-23 22:11:13 UTC 0x50 (was 0x40)
2015-12-17 20:25:44 UTC 0x60 (was 0x50)

D5 rear slow LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x30

D5 rear fast LLD threshold history

post 2014 anneal 0x45
2014-Jan-08 17:44:15 0x50 (was 0x45)
2015-May-26 19:15:09 0x58 (was 0x50)
2015-Aug-26 20:46:59 0x70 (was 0x58)
2015-Sep-21 20:10:04 0x80 (was 0x70)
2015-Oct-09 23:02:58 0x90 (was 0x80)
2015-Nov-26 00:28:39 0xA0 (was 0x90)
2015-Dec-28 07:44:19 0xB0 (was 0xA0)

D5 HV history

post 2014 anneal 4510 V