RHESSI Nugget Index | RHESSI Nugget Index | RHESSI Nugget First Author | RHESSI Nugget Second Author | RHESSI Nugget Date |
Reflection of Coronal Global Waves | 217 | Ines Kienreich | Hugh Hudson | 13 January 2014 |
Instantaneous Flare Properties | 218 | Hugh Hudson | | 10 February 2014 |
BARREL Balloon Observations and History | 219 | Greg Bowers | Alexa Halford | 17 February 2014 |
A Wonderful Cycle 24 Flare | 220 | Säm Krucker | Hugh Hudson | 3 March 2014 |
Imaging Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in a Simple Flare | 221 | Zongjun Ning | Hugh Hudson | 17 March 2014 |
Empirical Constructs and Cartoons | 222 | Forrest Mozer | Hugh Hudson | 24 March 2014 |
Homing in on Flare Energy | 223 | Hugh Hudson | Ryan Milligan | 14 April 2014 |
Abundances in Solar Flares | 224 | Harry Warren | | 21 April 2014 |
Microwave Images of a Single-Loop Flare: Observations and Simulations | 225 | Alexey Kuznetsov | Eduard Kontar | 28 April 2014 |
The 3D standard model for eruptive flares | 226 | Miho Janvier | | 14 May 2014 |
Solar Cosmic Rays, Neutrons, and Fermi Gamma-Rays | 227 | Hugh Hudson | Alec MacKinnon | 28 May 2014 |
Mysteries of Flare/CME Initiation | 228 | Shaun Bloomfield | Hugh Hudson | 8 June 2014 |
RHESSI is Annealing Now | 229 | Albert Shih | Martin Fivian | 7 July 2014 |
The Redistribution of Nonthermal Electron Energy | 230 | Ryan Milligan | | 14 July 2014 |
Flare Observed by a Dozen Instruments | 231 | Lucia Kleint | Kevin Reardon | 28 July 2014 |
Octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field structure generation during magnetic reconnection | 232 | Jan Graf von der Pahlen | David Tsiklauri | 4 August 2014 |
EUNIS Sees Pervasive Faint Fe XIX Emission: Evidence for Nanoflare Heating | 233 | Jeff Brosius | | 18 August 2014 |
RHESSI Resumes Observations | 234 | Albert Shih | Säm Krucker | 1 September 2014 |
Which detectors can I use to analyze this flare? | 235 | Brian Dennis | Kim Tolbert | 15 September 2014 |
Energy goes up... but doesn't come back down! Coronal heating? | 236 | Brian Welsch | | 22 September 2014 |
The Balmer continuum observed from IRIS! | 237 | Petr Heinzel | Lucia Kleint | 29 September 2014 |
The Formation of Kappa Distributions in Solar Flares | 238 | Nicolas Bian | Duncan Stackhouse | 13 October 2014 |
A Record-Setting CMEless Flare | 239 | Sam Freeland | Greg Slater | 27 October 2014 |
Back from the Far Side | 240 | Hugh Hudson | Greg Slater | 17 November 2014 |
The Solar X-ray Limb II | 241 | Marina Battaglia | Hugh Hudson | 24 November 2014 |
The Low-High-Low Starting Frequency Trend in Groups of Type III Bursts | 242 | Hamish Reid | | 22 December 2014 |
The IAU Solar Target Identifier - A Good Thing | 243 | Hugh Hudson | John Leibacher | 29 December 2014 |