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Revision as of 15:50, 22 August 2018

RHESSI Nugget IndexRHESSI Nugget IndexRHESSI Nugget First AuthorRHESSI Nugget Second AuthorRHESSI Nugget Date
Reflection of Coronal Global Waves217Ines KienreichHugh Hudson13 January 2014
Instantaneous Flare Properties218Hugh Hudson10 February 2014
BARREL Balloon Observations and History219Greg BowersAlexa Halford17 February 2014
A Wonderful Cycle 24 Flare220Säm KruckerHugh Hudson3 March 2014
Imaging Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in a Simple Flare221Zongjun NingHugh Hudson17 March 2014
Empirical Constructs and Cartoons222Forrest MozerHugh Hudson24 March 2014
Homing in on Flare Energy223Hugh HudsonRyan Milligan14 April 2014
Abundances in Solar Flares224Harry Warren21 April 2014
Microwave Images of a Single-Loop Flare: Observations and Simulations225Alexey KuznetsovEduard Kontar28 April 2014
The 3D standard model for eruptive flares226Miho Janvier14 May 2014
Solar Cosmic Rays, Neutrons, and Fermi Gamma-Rays227Hugh HudsonAlec MacKinnon28 May 2014
Mysteries of Flare/CME Initiation228Shaun BloomfieldHugh Hudson8 June 2014
RHESSI is Annealing Now229Albert ShihMartin Fivian7 July 2014
The Redistribution of Nonthermal Electron Energy230Ryan Milligan14 July 2014
Flare Observed by a Dozen Instruments231Lucia KleintKevin Reardon28 July 2014
Octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field structure generation during magnetic reconnection232Jan Graf von der PahlenDavid Tsiklauri4 August 2014
EUNIS Sees Pervasive Faint Fe XIX Emission: Evidence for Nanoflare Heating233Jeff Brosius18 August 2014
RHESSI Resumes Observations234Albert ShihSäm Krucker1 September 2014
Which detectors can I use to analyze this flare?235Brian DennisKim Tolbert15 September 2014
Energy goes up... but doesn't come back down! Coronal heating?236Brian Welsch22 September 2014
The Balmer continuum observed from IRIS!237Petr HeinzelLucia Kleint29 September 2014
The Formation of Kappa Distributions in Solar Flares238Nicolas BianDuncan Stackhouse13 October 2014
A Record-Setting CMEless Flare239Sam FreelandGreg Slater27 October 2014
Back from the Far Side240Hugh HudsonGreg Slater17 November 2014
The Solar X-ray Limb II241Marina BattagliaHugh Hudson24 November 2014
The Low-High-Low Starting Frequency Trend in Groups of Type III Bursts242Hamish Reid22 December 2014
The IAU Solar Target Identifier - A Good Thing243Hugh HudsonJohn Leibacher29 December 2014

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