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- "Impulse Response Flares" and Gamma Rays
- "Superflares" on solar-type stars observed with Kepler
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2005 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2006 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2007 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2008 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2009 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2010 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2011 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2012-05-29 Lunar Occultation
- 2012-05-30 SAS observation of Venus Transit 2012
- 2012-06-22 Browser tips
- 2012-10-31 Elemental Abundances
- 2012-10-31 GOES M9 Flare
- 2012-12-12 Detector 4 Segmented
- 2012 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2013-02-27 Detector 2 Front Slow Threshold Changes
- 2013-03-13 Detector 2 spectral behavior
- 2013-03-20 Partial Segmentation and Splitting of the Annihilation Line
- 2013-04-17 Detector 9 weirdness
- 2013-05 X flares
- 2013-06-05 Cryocooler balancing
- 2013-06-05 Detector 9 update
- 2013-06-12 Spin rate anomalies
- 2013-06-19 Spin rates and detector temperatures
- 2013-08-14 May 13 EMDs
- 2013-08-21 Kappa distribution in 2013 May 12 flare
- 2013-08-28 HMI/RHESSI 2012 Nov 20 flare
- 2013 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2014 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2015 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2016 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2017 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2018 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 2019 RHESSI Science Nuggets
- 3D Magnetic Reconnection at a Coronal Null Point
- 3pow - Triple Power Law
- A (The?) 3D standard model for eruptive flares
- A Bad Time for Flares but a Good Time for Debris
- A Collective Study of 11 NuSTAR Microflares
- A Cool Star Flare Reveals an Unexpectedly Hot Emission Component
- A Curious Sunspot Group in 2018
- A Flare in 3D
- A Glasgow geomagnetic observation of a solar flare
- A Global Survey of EUV Coronal Power Spectra
- A Hot Cusp-Shaped Confined Solar Flare
- A Lasso Model for Solar Gamma-ray Events
- A New Day Dawns
- A Non-PFSS Global Coronal Model
- A PSP Perihelion
- A Pion Event
- A Record-Setting CMEless Flare
- A STEREO/RHESSI Flare at Solar Minimum
- A Shocking Type II
- A Significant Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Associated with a Massive Gamma-ray Burst
- A Solar FRB
- A Solar Hard X-Ray Halo: Exploring the Quiet Sun 2
- A Sunspot from Cycle 25 for sure
- A Two-ribbon White-light Flare Associated with a Failed Solar Eruption
- A Wonderful Cycle 24 Flare
- A coronal magnetic flare precursor...
- A demonstration of STIX hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy capabilities for an X-class flare (SOL2021-10-28)
- A flare in the deep solar atmosphere
- A hard wee flare observed with RHESSI and Hinode/XRT
- A huge gamma-ray burst
- A lasso model for gamma rays
- A last best active region
- A myriad of microflares
- A new development in the Frost-Dennis paradigm
- A possible coronal magnetic flare precursor
- A remarkable, but confused, coronal hard X-ray source
- A slow HOPE with microwave context
- A solar X-ray dentist mirror
- A solar flare driven by thermal conduction observed in mid-infrared
- A tiny white-light flare
- Above-the-Looptop Sources
- Abundances in Solar Flares
- Acceleration-region Densities
- Acceleration of fast halo CMEs & synchronized flare HXR bursts
- Acceleration without Heating
- Advection and super-diffusive expansion as the model of flare accelerated electron transport in type III solar radio bursts
- Albedo and the modification of RHESSI results
- All RHESSI Science Nuggets
- All microflares that accelerate electrons to high energies are rooted in sunspots
- Alphabetic List of Data Access Commands
- Alternatives to IDL
- An Alternative View of the Masuda Flare
- An Fe Cascade
- An Unreported White-light Prominence
- An X9.9 flare and its huge crochet (SFE)
- An X9 flare and its huge crochet (SFE)
- An energetic pre-flare
- An energetic pre-flare: electron distributions in magnetic reconnection outflows
- An energetic pre-flare and kappa electron distribution in magnetic reconnection outflow
- An extremely complex active region with very strong non-neutralized electric currents
- Anisotropy of RHESSI hard X-ray emission
- Annealing
- Annealing RHESSI for the first time
- Annihilation of Positrons
- Antipodal Flares
- Are stellar flares like solar flares?
- At last, the EUV Spectrum
- Attenuators
- Attitude Control System
- Aurora-like Radio Emission from a Sunspot
- Awesome Stellar Flare Spectra
- BARREL Balloon Observations and History
- Back from the Far Side
- Bastille Day 2017
- Bastille day encore 2005
- Birth of a dense flaring loop
- Black and White Flares
- Blind Image Analysis
- Blue-wing enhancement of the Mg II h and k lines in a flare
- Bouncing Thick-Target Coronal X-Ray Sources
- Bouncing motions of fast electrons using Nobeyama Radioheliograph
- Bpow - Broken Power Law
- Bridging solar flares to coronal mass ejections
- Brilliant Timing
- Broad symmetrical Doppler-shifted Fe XXI line profiles
- Broken-up hard X-ray spectra found for a loop-top source during a solar limb flare
- Browse the RHESSI data!
- Burst-on-Tail (BOT)
- But there was a bigger one
- CMEless Flares
- CMEs on young, solar-type stars
- CORONAS/SPIRIT Mg XII and Nanoflares
- Can magnetic reconnection cause solar rainstorms?
- Carl Størmer
- Carlos Maldonado
- Chree Analysis for Flares
- Chromospheric Plasma Parameters
- Circular Ribbon Flare at Microwaves
- Clean
- Clean and UV Smooth Images Changing Image Centers
- Cloudy SolarSoftware
- Collapsing Traps
- Compact Ion Mass Spectrometer (CIMS)
- Compact Lyman-Alpha Spatial heterodyne Spectrometer (CLASS)
- Complementary Data Access
- Confined Flares versus Eruptive Flares
- Confined or Eruptive?
- Converging Fields and Return Currents
- Coronal Bright Points
- Coronal Hard X-ray Sources Revisited
- Coronal gamma-ray sources in giant solar flares
- Coronal hard X-rays and gamma-rays
- Coronal implosion
- Coronal nanoflares powered by footpoint reconnection
- Cosmic Rays over the Rainbow Bridge
- Create Article
- Creating a Spectrum File Using the HESSI GUI
- Cryocooler
- Cycle 24
- Cycle 24 - don't panic yet!
- Cycle 24 - time to panic
- Cycle 24 Flares Begin
- Cycle 24 has begun
- Cycle 25 Strikes Again
- D
- DIB-table-2013-Feb-14
- DIB-table-2013-Sep-30
- DIB-table-2014-Apr-07
- DIB-table-2014-Apr-11
- DIB-table-2014-Apr-15
- DIB-table-2014-Aug-13
- DIB-table-2014-Feb-27
- DIB-table-2014-Jan-08
- DIB-table-2014-Jan-29
- DIB-table-2014-Jun-11
- DIB-table-2014-Mar-11
- DIB-table-2014-May-12
- DIB-table-2014-May-20
- DIB-table-2014-May-28
- DIB-table-2015-Apr-01
- DIB-table-2015-Apr-15
- DIB-table-2015-Jan-05
- DIB-table-2015-Jul-08
- DIB-table-2015-Jul-22
- DIB-table-2015-Jun-17
- DIB-table-2015-Mar-04
- DIB-table-2015-March-04
- DIB-table-2015-May-13
- DIB-table-2015-May-27
- DIB Table
- DIB table 2015-Sep-23
- DIB table 2015 Aug 25
- DIB table 2015 Aug 5
- DIB table 2015 Sep 22
- DIB table 2016-May-12
- DIB table 2016-May-4
- DIY spectroscopy: Analyzing AIA diffraction patterns
- Daily solar mm-observations at Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory
- Data-driven radiative hydrodynamic modeling of SOL2014-03-29
- Decimation
- Decimetric pulsations and coronal X-ray sources
- Dense Loop Flares
- Detector 1
- Detector 1 anneal 2012
- Detector 2
- Detector 2 anneal 2012
- Detector 3
- Detector 3 anneal 2012
- Detector 4
- Detector 4 anneal 2012
- Detector 5
- Detector 5 anneal 2012
- Detector 6
- Detector 6 anneal 2012
- Detector 7
- Detector 7 anneal 2012
- Detector 8
- Detector 8 anneal 2012
- Detector 9
- Detector 9 anneal 2012
- Detector Source Centroids
- Detectors
- Diagnostics of Spatially-Extended Turbulent Acceleration and Transport
- Did a Solar Flare Accelerate all the Ambient Electrons in the Coronal Acceleration Region?...
- Dimmings and Sustained Gamma-Ray Events
- Dips and Waves
- Disk Occultation of a Lopsided Sun
- Dissauer et al. (2016)
- Do Hot Onsets Predict Flare Magnitudes?
- Do Kepler Superflare Stars Really Include Slowly Rotating Sun-like Stars?
- Do slow waves trigger pulsations in two-ribbon flares? An observational search
- Do solar decimetric spikes originate in coronal X-ray sources?
- Double Coronal Hard X-ray Source
- Double Coronal X-ray and Microwave Sources Associated With A Magnetic Breakout Solar Eruption
- Drm mod - Pseudo function for fine tuning RHESSI DRM parameters
- Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29
- EIT Waves - Cadence issues
- EOVSA Coverage of a Recent Gamma-Ray Flare
- EUNIS Sees Pervasive Faint Fe XIX Emission: Evidence for Nanoflare Heating
- EVE-RHESSI DEM Models and the Low-energy Cutoff for Nonthermal Electrons
- EVE/ESP and the Neupert Effect
- EVE Observations of Flare Footpoints
- Edward Chupp
- Effects of Coronal Structures on the Dynamics of the Global Coronal Wave of SOL2017-09-10
- Effects of Flares on Solar p-modes
- Electric Current Neutralization and Eruption
- Electric Current Neutralization and Solar Eruption in Active Regions
- Electron Scattering in the Flaring Corona
- Electron acceleration and hard X-ray emission from SOL2013-11-09
- Electron beam anisotropy during precipitation info a flaring atmosphere
- Electron re-acceleration and HXR emission
- Elementary Flares
- Emission Lines
- Empirical Constructs and Cartoons
- Energetic Neutral Hydrogen from Large Solar Flares
- Energetic neutral atoms detected in the large solar energetic particle event of February 2022
- Energy Partition in Large Solar Eruptive Events
- Energy Partitioning in a Nonthermally Dominated Two-loop Solar Flare
- Energy goes up... but doesn't come back down! Coronal heating?
- Energy goes up... but doesn't come back down! Photospheric energy drives atmospheric heating
- Energy transport by accelerated particles in the quiet solar atmosphere
- Evidence for a Coronal Shock Wave Origin for Relativistic Protons Producing Solar Gamma-Rays and Observed by Neutron Monitors at Earth
- Exploring the Quiet Sun 1
- Extreme-Ultraviolet Late Phase of Solar Flares
- Extreme events, stellar evolution, and magnetic reconnection
- FLUKA as a tool for interpreting flare gamma-rays
- FLUKA as a tool for modelling gamma-ray production in flarres
- FOXSI-2 Launch
- FOXSI Success
- Faculae and microflares
- Faraday's Law in Solar Flares: A Cautionary Message
- Fast Prograde Flows in Solar Active Regions
- Fast electron recombination: a neglected HXR source
- Fast electrons relaxing
- Fe XIX and Pervasive Nanoflare Heating
- Fifty-year Anniversary of the First Detection of Gamma rays from a Solar Flare
- Fine Structure in Flare Soft X-ray Light Curves
- First Detection of Kink Oscillations with Solar Orbiter
- First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 24 Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory
- First look at ALMA/HInode/IRIS microflares
- Fit function components
- Fitting a new detector
- Fitting multiple intervals
- Flare-induced Impulsive Sunspot Rotation caught in High Resolution
- Flare/CME Cartoon Archive
- Flare Coronal Rain
- Flare Heating by Mildly Non-thermal Particles
- Flare Loop Asymmetries
- Flare Nimbus
- Flare Observations of the EUV Continua
- Flare Observed by a Dozen Instruments
- Flare Plasma Abundances - New X-ray Observations
- Flare Productivity
- Flare Pulsation and the Heliosphere
- Flare waiting times depend on their magnitudes
- Footpoint motions and what we can learn from them
- Free-bound continuum: basics
- From Chromospheric Evaporation to Coronal Rain: An Investigation of the Mass and Energy Cycle of a Flare
- GOES Hard X-rays?
- Gamma rays and Doppler shifts
- Gdl
- Glasgow Callisto and CMEless type II bursts
- Glasgow Callisto optimistic: first light comes in focus
- Gregp-test-2020-09-11
- Gregp-test-2020-09-14
- Grids
- Ground Stations
- HESSI and Type III Radio Bursts
- HOPE during high activity
- Hard X-ray Directivity Measurements with STIX and MiSolFA
- Hard X-ray Emission along H-alpha Ribbons
- Hard X-ray Emission from Partially Occulted Solar Flares
- Hard X-ray Footpoint Asymmetry
- Hard X-ray Polarimetry from Tian Gong 2
- Hard X-ray Pulsations in Flares
- Hard X-ray Pulsations via Gaussian Decomposition
- Hard X-ray Spikes Observed by RHESSI
- Hard X-rays and Sympathy
- Hard X-rays from a jet?
- Hard X-rays in Descent
- Harmonic Oscillations
- Heating of the solar photosphere during a white-light flare
- Hessi color table
- High-Energy-Resolution relativistic electron Telescope (HERT)
- High-energy Electrons and Electric Currents during a Flare
- High-resolution observational analysis of flare ribbon fine structures
- High Dispersion Spectroscopy of solar-type superflare stars
- High Energies in the Inner Heliosphere
- High Resolution Temporal and Spatial Structure of a White Light Flare
- High Temperatures in Active Regions
- Highly significant detection of solar neutrons
- Hinode/SOT Observations of Flare Ribbons
- History of Solar Oblateness
- Homing in on Flare Energy
- Homologous CME/flares from AR 12371
- Homologous White Light Solar Flares
- Hot Flare Onsets
- How does RHESSI make images?
- How much of the energy in flare-accelerated electrons reaches the chromosphere?
- How to better determine the power in non-thermal electrons from observed X-ray spectra
- How to correctly determine the power in non-thermal electrons from observed X-ray spectra
- Hsi flare list fill: How the RHESSI Flare List is Generated
- Hunting for Hidden Tiny Flares
- IDLDE 7.1 or 7.1.1 Patch
- IDL Command: vso files
- IDL Command: vso prep
- IDL Command: vso search